Chris Cochet


Experienced analytics professional with a technology and consulting background focused on data science to analyze customer behavior, enhance products and improve decision making.

I love outdoors and that's why I live in New Zealand !

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Guided Projects

Machine Learning Model Deployment to the Cloud

Deploying An ML Model (Regression) API to the Cloud using a Flask App and Heroku

Check out how to deploy and test a trained salary prediction model to the cloud using a Flask web API/endpoint.

AWS RDS (mostly) automated set-up and PowerBi Dashboard build

Setting-up an AWS RDS Postgres instance, deploy a database and build a power BI dashboard

Check out how to set-up an AWS RDS database instance using terraform, deploy a databse and connect to it to build a simple Power BI dashboard.

Data Science Portfolio

Market basket analysis of Instacart’s 2017 Grocery Purchase Dataset

Using Association Rules and the A Priori algorithm to identify customer purchases patterns and provide items recommendations

Check out how market basket analysis can be used to analyze an online grocery dataset, customer purchase behaviors and provide simple purchase recommendations based on a customer’s basket.

Predicting the operational statuses of water assets

Predictive Maintenance Project - Python

Check out the use of classification models to predict the operation state (functional, repair needed, not failure) of water pumps in Tanzania.

Wholesale distributor customer spending analysis

Retail Customers Clustering Project - Python

Check out the use of unsupervised learning techniques (PCA, Gaussian Mixture Model) to analyze a dataset containing data on various customers’ annual spending amounts for diverse product categories purchased. The analysis aims to support the introduction of a new delivery service that best meet the needs of the customers.

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